Birth story.... but just wait! Part 1

Whitney • 💍💒 👩‍❤️‍👨wife 👧👼👧👧Girl mom!

For starters, let’s glance back a little in the past...

I have a 10 year old. My water broke 5 days before my due date and from there I was in labor for 10 hours. I pushed for 30 mins. I could hear things popping in my head because I pushed so hard. But I was determined to get her out! I had broken blood vessels in my eyes, my cheeks and my chest. She was 7 lbs 6 oz and 19 inches long. No epidural and no pain med of any sort.

Fast forward, I got pregnant in June 2016. My oldest was 8 years old at the time. My pregnancy lasted 27 weeks (Dec 2017), until I stopped feeling her move. I got induced and delivered her almost 24 hours later. She was 1 lb 5 oz and 12 inches long. I did not get an epidural and the pain was so consistent that After hours of this pain The doctor talked me into some sort of IV drug that I was told makes you nauseous, but for some reason I passed out until I felt this strong burning urge to pee! Then I peed in a bed pan and passed out again until I felt the same urge again. As I tried to pee, I felt my baby coming and within a couple minutes she was born in my bed pan....

Then April 2017 I got pregnant with my rainbow baby. I had a few issues with this pregnancy due to my last pregnancy. There were a couple times where I’ve spotted in my second trimester. I’ve never had this happen throughout any of my past pregnancies, so I was convinced something was wrong. Turns out things were totally normal. I’ve had to get fetal heart checks because of anxiety that something was wrong! I went to the hospital when I was 24 weeks because she just wasn’t as active as normal that day, but as soon as I got there she kicks up a storm.

On a Wednesday, Around 34 weeks, I’d have these sharp pains on my right side where I couldn’t even stand or walk. Then after about a half hour they went away. Normally I could tolerate things, but I was scared. I went to the hospital and they said I was having contractions and I was 1 1/2 cm dilated. I wasn’t having consistent contractions enough for them to keep me, but the doctor prescribed me pills to stop contractions and then gave me a couple doses of steroid shots in case the baby came early, to help her lungs develop. My doctor said it was just for precaution and I may even go until my due date. I had two more weeks of work left before we went on our “Christmas” vacation for work. I had to get through those weeks. I had one more week before I had to train the new girl taking my place and then the next week I had to train her. Then it was vacation time.

Anyway, after I left the hospital, my doctor said I couldn’t go back to work until she saw me on Friday, but I still went anyway because Thursday was going to be a slow day. The next couple days i had plans to go to this German town that was about 1 1/2 to 2 hours away. They light up every building, pole, tree, ect. It’s amazing! And tons of people go! My sister was turning 40 and that’s what she requested since she’s never gone before. My husband, daughter and I have done in every year for the last few years, so it was some sort of tradition for us. My husband wanted to cancel because of my pregnancy, but you only turn 40 once... I had to go!

Friday came, my doctor cleared me to go back to work. Saturday came and while we were on our way to the German town I kept feeling this tightness in my lower stomach. Felt like someone was squeezing me. It wasn’t painful, just uncomfortable. I didn’t tell my husband what was going on because I didn’t want him to go back home. We were also stuck in traffic for about an hour. Good news is, if we wanted to go home because I went into labor or something the traffic was clear to go home. We arrive to the German town just in time. As we made it towards the center of the town, we had a few minutes until the lights came on. It’s amazing how many lights are lit up! There are so many shops, venders, bars with German beer, ect. We ate a bratwurst with sauerkraut, yum! Stayed for a couple hours and then on our way home, we were stuck in traffic again for about an hour because everyone decides to leave at the same time. I felt more tightness throughout our visit and then more on the way home. I started to realize what was going on.

Braxton Hicks! I’ve never had these before. We made it home. I took the contractions pills The next week just to be safe because I kept feeling pain so I can make it through the week. That Friday I stopped taking them and I had no pain. I made it through the week of training as well. Then it’s Christmas vacation. Baby can now if she wishes! I’m ready for her. Week by week passed and she’s not here. It was the slowest 6 weeks of my pregnancy thinking my baby would come early and she didn’t.

Finally I was half way through my 39th week. I had my last OB appt because my dues date was Saturday. She said I can induce you today, Friday or Monday because Saturday and Sunday she was off work. My due date is Saturday and she won’t be there!?!

I really want my doctor to be there because she knows my past, she knows my birth plan. I told her I want to try to make it until my due date. I’ve been induced before and it was no fun (not that labor is fun). But the contractions were consistent and each time they inserted a pill in my cervix, it felt like she was shoving her whole fist up there! Then the contractions would get stronger, but they never went away. It was terrible. I do not want an epidural and since my baby is alive, I do not want any IV drugs either. What if I can’t tolerate it?? My Dr told me it wouldn’t be as bad because my body is ready, I’m dilating and last time I wasn’t ready at all. So it made me feel a little better. We set up a date to be induced on Monday if I didn’t make it to my due date on Saturday.

Saturday came and I didn’t feel like anything was happening. Nothing at all! Sunday came and towards the end of the night I kind of felt different, but not enough to think it’s going to happen. I was arriving at the hospital at 6 am on Monday morning. It was hard to sleep that night because I was nervous. I kept glancing back at my first labor. It was so much easier. My water broke on its own, I didn’t have time to over think everything. This labor is planned l, I have so much time to think about everything! I was nervous, excited, scared, happy, anxious, ect. I just wanted to hold my baby in my arms, I wanted to hear her first cry, I wanted to know she was ok! We packed everything that night and even wrote a list of things we need to pack that we’ll be using that morning. We found care for our puppy and older child while we would be in the hospital. The morning came. My doctor said to eat a big breakfast, we packed the car and headed over. It felt like we packed for a week!

I entered the room to where I’d deliver my baby. They hooked up the monitors, asked the whole questionnaire that they have prepared, and then my IV was placed. oMG, worse IV placement I’ve ever felt and I’ve had a few. It felt like she was in my vein moving the needle back and forth for quite a while. I was feeling cold sweats and faint. My husband said I was turning pail. I didn’t pass out. I didn’t even watch, I can’t watch! But it felt terrible. After it was placed, I still felt it. The whole time I had it in I could feel it there.

..... to be continued to Birth story.... but just wait! Part 2