1 year TTC

So I got my implant out last September and pretty much since then been trying for a baby took a few months but my cycle started. I miscarriage in March had a scan everything looked fine everything had come a way all great.... from then my cycle was every 3 months lasting for around 3 to 4 weeks.

I again missed my period then a second did test I was not pregnant. Went to see my GP who suggest going on the pill to like restart my system.... I can only go on one pill due to family history and that bill has no break he refused to send me for further test expect blood test for hormone imbalance which mine where great and apparently they don’t send you for more until you have not been pregnant for 14 to 16 months my heart broke as I really want a baby went to see another doctor and with begging he agreed to send me for test... great news😊

So what happened last week my period showed up and only lasted 6 days and was like before I went on the pill and implant.... I believe the implant along with the miscarriage mucked up my cycle and finally I think it’s gone back to before I put all that rubbish in my body....

Also I have nearly lost two stone on weight and I will carry on losing the weight....

So this month I will be using ovulation sticks and taking all vitamins that I need.... this women wants to be pregnant by xmas....

This will be my first child please sent the baby dust this way 👶🏽👶🏽👶🏽👶🏽