Wanting and praying for my rainbow baby.


I had a miscarriage in August. I have had nothing but problems after that. This month is the first month where things are back on track. I am suppose to start AF Wednesday, I took a FR test last night and today, and I see the faintest line ( maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me)- practically negative.

My heart can’t take these disappointments anymore. I am trusting God that in his timing he will give my husband and I our miracle. I never thought it would be this hard to wait or have a baby. It looks so easy for other people. I see moms with babies, and it tugs on my heart. I want that. I have a regular 27-28 day cycle and ovulate exactly on the days GLOW says. My husband and I BD. I feel like the only way I became pregnant last time was because we had sex everyday of that month. I’m beginning to feel hopeless. 😭💔