Pregnant or Stress symptoms


I am waiting until Monday to take a test (because I don’t think I am too far along/denial/my GP shrugged it off) (mostly denial)

So I am 3 months postpartum.... and I had unprotected sex (I know I am such an idiot) at 4 weeks (yup I messed up - sleep deprived and in the moment we just didn’t even think about anything)

So anyway

The last two weeks I have been internally convinced I am pregnant- I feel pregnant. However I have been under heaps of stress too.

I’m nauseous, have a metallic taste, some foods taste weird, belly aches, cramps, 3 days of very light spotting, mild dizzy spells.... oh moody as hell.

Your standard, PMS Pregnancy and Stress symptoms.

Just wanna general idea of what others think or have you been through this too.

Should I just take a test sooner or wait
