I just want to curl up in a ball and cry

Sorry this is lengthy and maybe a little TMI:::

So my husband and I have a 3yr old. We are finally in a place where we decided we wanted to start TTC for baby #2

So exciting right ?!?! Well last month when we decide to start trying my DD hid my BBT thermometer. When I finally find it, I end up getting BV and I’m on antibiotics and miss my window.

Well for the next cycle we’re pumped. We book a baby free vacation. (thank God for grandmas) and we are awaiting the baby making vacation.

Well i end up getting BV AGAIN !!!! Simply because the antibiotics from last month destroyed too much good bacteria. So I’m sent on my way with a new treatment and probiotics. Luckily I was set to finish the antibiotics jus in time for my cruise !!!!

So we finally set sail on our long awaited (we had to wait 2 weeks) vacation.

The baby making commences !!!!!

BUT I end up getting a UTI on the cruise from being in a bathing suit too long! Apparently 4 hours is too much for me

Well here I am back home during my fertile window cant BD. To top it all off when we got home from our cruise a pipe burst and now my whole kitchen floor and living room now have to be torn apart to fix everything ....

Well thanks for reading. I just needed to vent.