My fiance doesn't want to see me give birth

Andrea • ◇

Now, I'm not pregnant; I'm just curious to know what others would say or think about their SO not watching the birth of their children.

My fiance and I are engaged- coming up on 2yrs in April (together total 4yrs in April and wedding date is in May 😍). We both know we absolutely want children at some point. But the conversation came up- as it does many times 💜- and he had told me, although he'd definitely want to be there for the birth, he didnt want to see the actual baby coming out of my vagina because he doesn't want it ruining his vision of my vagina because he loves it so much 😅😅 I mean, to each their own. I don't have a solid opinion about it yet because we have plenty of time for that real conversation; I'm wondering how others would view it!

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