

I’ve posted in the past that baby is measuring ahead... here’s an update:

Today I’m 32w2d. I am measuring 2 weeks ahead, baby is already measuring at 6 & 1/2 pounds and 5 weeks ahead. I had a glucose test about a month and a half ago or so, and it was a 101. Normal range is 100 - 125, so they want to retest me to try and figure out why my baby is so big (since in on the low end of the spectrum) I also have borderline high blood pressure that I’ve had since before getting pregnant. I’ve also done a 24hr urine test, and I don’t have preeclampsia. I also started my weekly rounds of non stress tests today, which also came out fine. I do have extra amniotic fluid though.

Did anyone else have some of this going on and the baby was fine and healthy - just big? Doctors seem overly cautious which is making me slightly stressed and anxious. Is there anything that I am missing that I should be asking the doctor about? Any other additional testing or anything?