
For starters, I’ve been really bad & slacking with using this app.

Secondly, I swear I can never remember my period start date if I don’t log it...which I’ve been slacking.

Okay, so now 🆘. I wanna say I started my period during the second week of October. Everything was totally normal. Probably about a week and a half after it was over, I missed my birth control two days in a row. I’ve missed before & even more than that but never had any side affects from it. Well, I was starting to spot, which I figured was normal. So, I got back on track...but then it turned into what seemed like I was on my period again.

I promise I’m usually not bad like this, but I missed another last week....and just yesterday or the day before I had spotting here and there. Today has been the worst, but now I don’t know if it’s from the pill situation or if I’m about to start again.

Also, side note...I haven’t been sexually active for about a year.