I'm sick of this bullshit


So I have 2 kids and 1 on the way. My parents in laws are literally the only sitters we have. I lost all my family when I moved out. (Long story) yes I know we could hire another sitter but since the abuse I delt with as a child I really don't trust other people. But they refuse to babysit anymore. My parents in law have no income and depend fully off of the government and us. For them babysitting once a week maybe twice and that's not the same every week we pay there phone bill and bought them a phone. We pay there water bill which ranges 30 to 60 dollars and there phone is like 30 on top of ours. Plus we also get my mother in laws prescriptions and let them borrow our car. Well my husband hours been getting cut cause he has to request days off for some of the appointments cause there's no way I can do them alone. Only time I ever get a sitter is for appointments so, I'm not going out or anything just appointment for the baby or my heart. But my husband's mad cause I said we shouldn't pay there bills they literally do nothing for us anymore but call and demand stuff and were not even making it paycheck to paycheck anymore. What do i do?