Period cramps

I feel like I'm bout to start my period. And it comes in waves like it'll be a really hard cramp, then it eases up. And when it gets hard it goes up my sides and in my hips. Ouch!
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I'm going to take a warm bath and go for a walk. If I get anymore after that I'll call


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Those are contractions.  I'm getting them but they're mild and not timeable.  If yours are coming regularly start timing them because they could be real contractions and not just Braxton hicks. 


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I get them too! See if they go by having a bath... I'm having mild ones now but really intense ones last Thursday evening and Friday x


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They got pretty hard and heavy. And I'm having my second one right now. It's 10 minutes apart.


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I felt like that for 5 hours last night and it stopped suddenly.


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Oh and definitely pregnant so I shouldn't be starting my period! Lol. 34 weeks