I thank God for my period!!!


I know this may sound out of place, especially since a major part of the Glow community are TTC (Myself Included!!) However, for as long as so can remember my period has been severely irregular. When I was younger, I thought I was lucky ,because I didn’t have to deal with the cramping and bleeding associated with a period, but boy was I Wrong! Now that I am older and married and wanting to start a family with Husband, I realize just how important is to my TTC journey! To make a long story short my period remained irregular up until the last few months! One day my husband said baby I feel lead to lay hands on you and Pray for your body that every part of your reproductive system would normalize and regulate! Now at this point I am 😭😭, but I believe God and we touch and agree by faith together! After, that I just continued to lift my body and healing up before the Lord and continued to declare total healing by faith! A few weeks later I got a period, but I was still a little nervous because I would get a period but it would be months and even a year before I get another, Well the next month came and I got another period, and then this month I got another period right on time! I know it may not seem like much to others but it is just God encouraging me and letting me know that he is with me and he is honoring our prayers! I said all that to say this, I don’t know where you are on your TTC journey, but don’t give up! Keep Praying and believing God because he will never let you down!