How I really feel about being pregnant!!


When I first found out I couldn’t believe it! My test were negative one week then positive the next. We told our immediate family & they were excited.. we were too!

Around week 5-6 nausea hit me harder than I’d thought and I lost like 10lbs. (Mind u I started off at 128) I got a doctors note bc they were being pricks at work about trying to take leave! The doc gave me a week off.

I have like 6 prescriptions for nausea & heartburn. Plus the nasty ass big pink prenatal vitamin I have to take. Around week 9 I started to feel getter & boom it hit me again..

I’ve been in and out of the hospital about 3 times now for dehydration and not being able to keep food down. Hooked up to IVs & all.. I gained my weight back but now I’m back at 123lbs..

The baby is healthy & measuring the exact sizes it’s suppose to. & I’m happy. But tbh I’m no longer happy about being pregnant.. I can’t imagine having twins or getting pregnant ever again bc of everything I’m going through now.

I’ve scheduled an appt with a therapist to help me deal, but I’ve been wondering what the hell did I get myself into.

I’m hoping the second trimester will get better but then ppl say “YA KNOW SOME GIRLS HAVE IT THEIR WHOLE PREGNANCY “ 😒