Please read. I cant figure this out.


Okay so I apologize for the long post but I feel someone can help me better if I lay it all out there. It all started when my period came 5 days early. Never happens. Maybe a day or 2 late or early. Never 5.. It had a normal flow stopped after 4 days and picked up again a day later with some spotting. After that I had headaches for two weeks. Then I was fine. Then last week I started getting exhausted. Maybe TMI but my husband and I have sex 4 to 6 days a week and ive been too tired to even do that and falling asleep early. Now the past couple days ive been very emotional and moody. After the early period I took a test and it was negative. So I dont know if I'm pregnant or if its because my 17 month old having his adenoids removed 2 days ago along with working on becoming a realtor is alot of stress. I cant tell which one but I do not feel like myself. Any advice would be lovely!