Is this even possible...?

So when I had just found out I was pregnant with my first child. This was about a year ago when I found out he’s now 7 months old. Anyhow I saw a post on here yesterday and it really got me thinking.

A woman had posted a picture of her miscarriage. Which was so sad but really informative. Yet I could swear I had the same thing come out of me with in week4/5 of my pregnancy.

I didn’t think anything of it because i had a lot of pain then I passed this large bloody/jelly lump, I bled lightly for a day then everything was fine I took a pregnancy test afterwards and I was still pregnant and obviously went on to have my son but I think he was perhaps meant to have been a twin?

I don’t believe it was a blood clot after giving birth and seeing them... It was different and I remember it and what it looked like because nothing has ever come out of me like that and hasn’t since...

Is this possible?

It’s playing on my mind that I lost a child and I had no idea about it until now? A year later...

I guess I’m looking for peace of mind.

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