Annoying mother in law?

My boyfriends mum is constantly round in 30 weeks pregnant and we wasn't talking befor I was pregnant, now I can't get rid of her!! She's driving me mad telling me what I should and shouldn't do with my unborn daughter already! Telling me she's going to be waiting in the hospital and when she's born she will be there from 2-4 go home then come back 6-8 without even asking me even tho she's not coming in the room I feel like she still will try its stressing me out because I feel like she's going to be there constantly and I appreciate the help but I want to experience it all myself and have the excitement with just me and my boyfriend but I feel like she will just take over I have tried telling her but she's very nuerotic sometimes and gets in a huff over silly things and pretty much has a tantrum if I say anything ! Don't know what I'm supposed to do! Help 😩