What is happening?


So a few weeks ago my bf came over and we didn't have sex... I'm

A virgin too .. but his 🍆 touched my opening ... then a couple of days later my stomach was gurgling and I wasn't hungry and the headaches, acne and sleepiness started but this all happened about 2 weeks before my period was supposed to start. My period was supposed to start from the 6-8 but my period is always at least 3 days late no matter what. I sat on the toilet on the 9th and wiped and my discharge was pink .. than throughout the night i had intense cramping and darker blood including bright red exactly like my period .. i was freaking out because it was pink .. but now its heavy .. also I had to start birth control the day my period started because of my horrible pms 😭 ... we are on day 5 I'm still bleeding and my stomach is gurgling .. I'm positive I'm not pregnant but what do you guys think ?