Sup dads

Posting this anon to hide my shame. We’re expecting on December 13th. Im the one with the baby in me. Dad hasn’t sexed me but maybe once (after we fought because for some reason it’s just always a solution when I’m inconsolable? )in this whole trimester despite my hints that it would be appreciated to have some part of me feel good. I’m really taking it hard that maybe his feelings have changed towards me or he finds my roundness unappealing. It’s gotten to a point it’s really hurting my feelings because I’m already so self conscious. I hate what having a kid is doing to my body so much I’m almost regretting it. I don’t want to feel so bad. There’s no intimacy between us now.

Did you have that moment? What’s a girl to do?

We’re both excited to be parents but I’m so afraid we’re losing our last moments to be alone and just us two over my body. Not to mention what if this isn’t temporary? Ugh.