I neeed help

I’m on antibiotics at the moment as I have an ear infection, tonsillitis, dizziness, migraines and a temperature. Not I have had this for a week now. ( looking on the bright side I have lost 13lbs 😂). Honestly, I thinks it’s all because about a month ago I got out a relationship of 6 months of him breaking up with me and found out he cheated.

Now, I’m not really watching much haven’t been for a bit but I have had really bad milky discharge from the vagina, and also pain with my anus. I don’t have a burning pain when I wee but my anus is damp. I haven’t had a poo for ages as I haven’t really ate anything for it to come out, but then I went toilet a bit ago and a long string of blood came out my vagina and it was all discharge white with it, quite pinky when wiped. Also had some pinky bleeding from arse. also not on my period for another week and a half

Help me I’m so confused