Depressed about to make a big mistake

A year ago I was in a very very bad place. I had depression since the age of 13 years old. Through the years it just got worse and I became more aggressive toward myself. I was told that getting pregnant would be very difficult for me which I didn’t care I wasn’t looking to have kids. So a year ago today I laid in bed crying because I didn’t want to be in this earth anymore but I didn’t want to hurt my family by leaving. That night I stayed awake all night talking to god and apologizing for something I was about to do. I told him I couldn’t do it anymore and I was sorry but I was going to kill my self within this month I didn’t know

How but I was determined to go through with it. Two weeks later I found out I was pregnant. Everything changed. My life changed. I got my sh** together I’m going to a nursing program I have a beautiful healthy baby girl. She is my life. Every time I look into those eyes it makes me think that I almost made a huge mistake. There is no more sadness in my life only joy. I haven’t told anyone about what I was thinking to do not even my boyfriend of 6 years. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. If you’re dealing with mental health please speak up. I am here to tell you that it will get better maybe not now but eventually it will.