I need some advice!

Heather Evelyn • // Baby girl was born 08.27.2015 // Married my Husband 11.11.2014 // I was born 01.02.1996 // Christian //
I've been having the following symptoms and I need some advice as to whether I should worry and go on to the hospital or if it's normal. I am 34 weeks along and my next appointment isn't until Friday. I live an hour and a half away from my hospital and I can't contact my doctor. I'm tired of hearing "Just to be safe go on into the doctor" so if you've experienced any of these symptoms and know whether it's serious or not then I would greatly appreciate the help. Thank you.  
•Pressure in my chest when I lay on my sides. 
•Bad stomach pains/cramps that I don't think is contractions but go from my right rib over to the center of my stomach. They are bad enough to wake me up and make me nauseous. This morning a 5 am I woke up with stomach pains and couldn't go back to sleep or hardly move with them. 
Some are a 5 on the pain scale and some are a 7-8.
•Increased vaginal discharge. It's clear with no scent. 
•Lower back pain