Advice needed for FTM

Okay mommas, so first a little info. My original due date is November 27th, so today I’m 38w 2 days. At my 36 week growth ultrasound, my little man was measuring 3 weeks ahead!! At my weekly docs appointment yesterday, she estimated that he’s weighing at least 8 pounds already! She doesn’t really want me to go to 40 weeks because of how big he is measuring and the high risk of having to have a c section if we make it to then. So the plan is on Monday the 19th she’s going to check my cervix, and if it’s favorable we’re going to induce on Tuesday at 7 am! Yesterday I was 70-80% effaced but no dilation. So she recommended EPO orally in the morning and vaginally at night, and ball exercises in hopes to be effaced and dilated at least 2-3 centimeters on Monday. My question is, does anybody have any other recommendations on how to get my cervix to soften and open? Also, any advice on how to deal with the anxiety of waiting? This baby is ready but my cervix is not and it’s kind of frustrating 😅 Anyways, any and all advice would be super helpful!! TIA