MIL problems.. I need your advice.


I met my fiancé 4 years ago and when i met him, his mom was texting him saying i was going to hold him back on things ... btw she didn’t even know me and I found it random and rude. I told my fiancé (boyfriend at the time) that I didn’t feel comfortable meeting her yet because I was still hurt by what she said.

A year later, I was more comfortable and ready to meet her but my fiancé didn’t want me too because he was scared we’ll fight. I didn’t care to meet her because she was horrible to my fiancé. She would only call him when she needed something and was in and out of his life.

So January 2017 I got pregnant and lost the baby so we tried in May 2017 and got pregnant... I told him to tell ASAP

So he finally tells her and she wanted to meet up with us and meet me but we both worked crazy hours and couldn’t meet up before our gender reveal so I felt bad and made it on Labor Day because we knew she had Monday’s off but some random she got “called into work” which we think it was bull shit but whatever.

So we invited her to our baby shower and she sent gifts to my house so we figure that meant she’s not coming..

My fiancé appreciate the gifts but was upset that she wasn’t coming so once my fiancé called her a couple days after receiving the gifts she got so mad that we didn’t say thank right away and said that my daughter wasn’t his ... that my fiancé was making a mistake for marrying me..that she was taking us to court... that she was going to my job and that it meant war ...

I couldn’t believe she said this ... now I told my fiancé i DEFINITELY don’t want to meet her and that she’s not coming to our wedding..

It’s been a year since my fiancé last spoke to her and is scared he’ll regret never talking to her ever again and i told him do whatever he wants but i don’t want to meet her

I also told him i don’t feel comfortable her meeting my daughter without me there so it’s not going to happen

I feel like i might be being unfair but she made the comments saying it wasn’t his baby and that he shouldn’t marry me so I feel like i have a right to feel uncomfortable and not let my daughter meet her

I need advice!