I did something so stupid

So this really cute guy came in my job. I work at a gym so I’m used to getting attention from the guys there blah blah blah, never interested but today someone new came in and we had this intense stare down when he signed in. Kinda caught me off guard but anyway fast forward to use closing, he came out into the hallway and was talking to a friend and I’m just sitting at the front desk. He gets his stuff and walks out not saying anything so I’m like damn. but me being the creep I am, I watched him in the mirror and he turns around. So now I’m like oh shit he about to say something. So he comes up to me and he’s like “i lost my phone can you call it for me.” With a little smirk on his face. I was hip to what he was trying to do because I has my phone right in my hand but i picked up our business phone and asked him what his number was. Then he was like I want you to use your phone blah blah blah. Anyways I didn’t really want to give my number out because I don’t know him at all but at the same time what if I never see him again. He was just so fine.