Hyperthyroid.... just diagnosed today..

Jaclyn • Realtor. Wifey. Lucky Lady.

I’ve been gaining weight for the past 2.5 years. Ive always had fatigue, for as long as I can remember. I had blood work 2 years ago and everything was fine, apparently.

I got blood work again last week and now I have hyperthyroid. Diagnosed today. My tsh is 6.27 (apparently it’s not supposed to be over 4.5).

I am in total shock 😞 I have health anxiety. I am going to go for a scan at the hospital hopefully tomorrow then I have to make an appointment with the endroconologist...

anyone have experience with this? I feel fine at this time, just wondering if as time progresses life will get harder, or change due to this. I have no kids but definitely would love kids soon (I’m married, we’re just getting settled down). Looking for any tips or any people going through this as well. I barely know anything at all about this disease. It scares the crap out of me that I will most likely be on meds for the rest of my life. Or even have cancer 😰😰 😰