
a month ago i found out i was 17 and pregnant, i was only 5 weeks but i was only aware that i was pregnant for four days. within those four days i was so ashamed of myself.. everyone besides my mom was against me but because of her i was so excited.. i was becoming a mom, i was growing a human.. then i miscarried, they didnt know why.. but since i was so early in pregnancy i only bled for a couple days and my body went back to normal. my s/o and i talked about everything afterwards and ofcourse since i was pregnant we both stepped up but i didnt want to ttc again for a little while.. i was so sad, ive been so depressed since. we have had intercourse three times now since my miscarriage because since then i havent been myself which has caused me to distance myself but he only came inside me twice. i havent gotten my cycle back so i dont really know when im ovulating but ive been feeling a little off this past week. my breast have been super sore, and im very tired all throughout the day. i decided to take a test on the 11/7 and it came back negative, still feeling the same i took a test 11/14 and this is what i got. is this a positive? am i more prone to a miscarriage since i literally had just had one..? im so anxious and afraid.. if this is positive how do i tell my family? i know this is alot and all over the place i just need advice..