My ex abuser

Dani • Let all that you do be done in love 🌹

Some of you may know or not know that I recently got out of an abusive relationship in January. We have a son together and I am the primary caretaker. He took me to court because he wants primary custody of our son, which will never happen for varies reason. Well we had court two weeks ago and on the stand this monster looked at the judge and said “Dani used to beat me, she was verbally and physically abusive throughout of two year relationship and I am fearful for our son”. Guys I was fucking SHOOK. Like this man is taking what he did to me and saying I did it to him. Mind you no one believed him. The guard after court told me that my ex “is the most cocky, crazy piece of shit he’s ever seen in his life”. I’m ready for all this to be behind me honestly and to move on with my life. Just wanted to vent. ❤️