Reassuring myself. Or trying to


After a week of illness (diarrhea every hour day and night for a straight week) and no appetite I’m just not feeling pregnant anymore. I am just over 13 weeks and although I know symptoms can decrease second trimester I am beyond worried. My OB brushed me off the whole time I was sick which made me upset. But I ended up going to my primary dr who called the OB to make them listen and I am going in today for an OB appointment in 2 hours. I just can’t stop myself from thinking the worst. This is our first baby together and since I’m 37 and have a history of DVT and pulmonary embolism with my last pregnancy 8 years ago this is probably my last shot (took us 2 years to get pregnant). I haven’t had cramping or bleeding but I still have no appetite, not like I did before getting sick and idk. Here’s to hoping I hear a heartbeat!!!!! I did hear it at 10 weeks but I just really need to know he’s ok!!!!