Bad hygiene & starting a new job

So apparently everyone says I smell bad at 2 of my previous jobs. I'm not sure what type of B.O they're smelling. I shower twice a day & laundry every 5 days with Tide downy & fabric softeners, I use dove deodorant 24hr care. I've heard some people come near my desk and say it smells like poop or pee or an infection😳. Whatever that smells like? I don't have pets and I wear light scented b&bw perfume or even Victoria secrets. I do have a bad tooth that needs to be pulled but I must wait until I get insurance to get it removed because I don't have money to pay for it. But I keep mints with me and avoid talking close to people. I want to figure this out and don't wanna go through it with this job. Please help. All rude comments will be hidden. TIA! All questions I'll answer in this post🤞🏽

Kevelle- Honestly, pee sometimes. But I shave and wipe properly🤔

KH- Yes, not due for my next exam until next March '19. And the smell whether or not on my period.