Im ready to be single

I just made a post about my husband a few hours ago on how I feel like he's cheating again. So he ended up putting a high security code on our phone so I won't be able to log into our accounts online also means I can't pay the phone I'd have to call and get a 3 dollar charge. So he told me today he's going to make an email for his phone that I won't be able to check and he'll print out the call logs not take off the high security code. I'm stupid. Why because when he cheated I felt bad he was crying and begged for me back and he didn't cheat as in he put his dick in another female but more of emotional cheating he liked this girl he received a naked picture he saved it. I found out he stopped talking to her and ended up talking to her 5 months later. He begged and begged and promised so much we have 2 kids together a 6 yr old and 8 month old he told me he never had a 2 parent home and would do anything to keep us together so I said this is the last chance. But look now. I ended up calling our phone company and they told me to show up with my photo ID and they'll remove it and they'll print out the phone records but I don't want to play this damn detective I know he's hiding shit from me and all he says is no I'm not you can have the call logs I'll print them but you can't have the passcode to get into it not the damn point but whatever I shouldn't have to put myself thru this.