Daycare dilemma

So I'm back to work 9 weeks after having my baby girl and my original babysitter did not end up working out last minute!! I found a new sitter that my family knows well however my ex/daughters dad refuses to help pay childcare. He says it's pointless to pay when she can go for free!! His other childs mom runs a daycare and said she can just go there! I'm all for free childcare however, she has alot to do with us splitting in the first place! He claimed they had nothing going on but I've caught him texting her " I love you guys" while sitting next to him on a plane coming from our vacation!! He says that's because his sons phone was broke!! 🙄😒(His son is a teenager by the way)Plus he's been caught staying the night over her house several times! Says he accidentally feel asleep talking to his son or he was too tired to drive home!!Plus s he knows all of our personal business because he's told her everything when me and him get into it!! I've been around her a few times before getting pregnant and shes never said two words to me!! So, I told him I didn't feel comfortable with the baby going there and he says I'm crazy it's free and he's not helping pay for anywhere else!! I dont think she would do anything to the baby but then again It makes me super uncomfortable!! Not sure what to do at this point suggestions??