Reaccuring UTI

🌹Kate🌹 • 27, married with a 2 beautiful babes ❤️

This may be TMI.

I was pregnant last month but lost it and noticed for the first time in ages (at least like 5-6 years) I felt like I was getting a UTI. No burning but the irritation was for sure there. And now I am TTC and just came out of my fertile window according to my OPK s and I am having the same feeling again! It's very annoying!

Has anyone ever had this happen? I've heard infection can cause miscarriage in some cases. I obviously can't get to the doctor or call them until monday, and when I went to the OB on Thursday I had no infections at all. Its so weird.

What can I take to keep it at bay? I've heard yogurt, cranberry supplements, lots of water and vitamins C

Anything else?? If I am pregnant again, I want to be as healthy as humanly possible.