I have no one to tell, so I'll tell you guys

Sam the T-zam

My husband let his great aunt, her son and my husband's 15 year old brother move in. I didn't want them to move in to begin with, but my husband gave the ok to them with out talking to me about it. So, in the 3 months they've been here, they broke my coffee pot, let my dog follow them to the bus stop where she got lost, and his brother stole one of my rings. I only know he stole my ring because the aunt was wearing it! Then he tried selling oxy, kratom pills, and one of our knives at SCHOOL. His brother got caught at school, got suspended, and spent 3 weeks in juvie. They've only paid a fraction of rent paid and no utilities these past few months. So I said fuck it to cleaning. They can't pay, so they can clean. I didn't want them to live with us to begin with so I didn't make it easy. Why should I? So his aunt decided to talk shit like I couldn't hear her. Saying things such as "She's only good for one thing. I'm nobody's n*igger. That lazy bitch" the list goes on, but I wanna make this short. I told my husband and he finally respected me enough to call them out for being ungrateful and disrespectful. So they left about a hour ago! You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this. I HAVE MY HOUSE BACK!!! I'm so fucking happy.

****And if anyone was curious about the racist comment, yes she is absolutely racist and claims that's how she was raised as native American. This isn't the first time she's said it and I've brought it up to my husband since we have a 2 year old whos learning to speak. The last thing we need is for him to pick that word up. There's no excuse for that. But she's gone and that word will not be said on my house ever again.