Make it official or stay as friends


So I've been talking to a guy from work. He 28 years old and I'm 22. We've been talk since around October. We have hung out twice outside from work. The first time it was with other employees and the second time it was just him and I. We planned for me to stay the night because we had discussed for us to see how things go because we had feeling for each other. We watched movies and got to know each other better. Things between us got uncomfortable when it was time to go to sleep. He is a tall guy and I'm 4'9 so it was hard for him to cuddle with me because his bed it a small twine so I felt very uncomfortable laying down with him. After that night I couldn't picture having anything with him because how uncomfortable I felt. So I told him that it be better if we just be friend and have it be professional. After one week I gave him a second chance so we continued to talk and I can tell that he was falling for me. I still wanted to get to know him because I have plan to go to get my master's degree in December so I thought that making official with him would for nothing if I was due to leave soon assuming I get into the school that I have planned to so I also discuss that with him and to my shock he was alright with doing the long distance if we end up making official. So I thought bout it and got me happy to the point where I did want to make it official. But as we starting he proceeded to ask me if I planned on falling in love with him before I go to college. And that question alone turned me off. He think that love is just something you tell your heart to do. I told him falling in love take time and that it grows and evolves. He goes the heart want what it want. And that has almost 30 years old and that has not getting and younger. For me I feel like that an excuse because he also the type of man that has a job but doesn't have any goal and doesn't have anything beside a job. I can't picture myself being with someone that doesnt have a plan for them self. Especially he has talking about loving each other I think of the future and what future will he have. He also lives with his ex wife mom and coincidently they know my brother which adds to the uncomfortable feel when I go to his house.

These are message for when we plan to hang out again on Sunday. This is the conversation that makes me pull back. Tell me your thought what do ya think.