Is it just me?


So I’m currently 24 weeks pregnant with my first & generally having a good pregnancy. Me & partner have been together 6 years now & both wanted for this baby. I don’t know whether it’s me/hormones or this is normal but I feel so alone. He comes to most appointments with hospital/midwife (I have a lot due to existing illness) & all the scans & is excited about the baby but I feel like he thinks I’m disgusting.

He has never been into larger women & is very open about that. So far my pregnancy is all bump & most of the time I think it’s cute & people comment the same too but I currently get 0 affection from him. I had 0 sex drive for quite a while during this pregnancy & it’s still not great but him not being affectionate makes me even more paranoid, makes me feel ugly & so lonely.

Am I just being ridiculous & the hormones are making me exaggerate this?

All I long for sometimes is a cuddle just to reassure me, half the time it’s not even about the foreplay/sex but I just don’t think he understands I’m struggling with all these changes in my body too & maybe I need him to tell me I’m still beautiful & he loves me without it being a routine before bed/in the morning thing?