I don't know what to do

I love my husband and I know he loves me in his own way. But he doesn't respect me. He looks at naked pictures of other girls despite me telling him it's an issue and him promising not to do it again. He would rather masturbate than be intimate with me because its easier and he's tired. When he gets home from work he just wants to sit in front of the TV and have his dinner handed to him while he plays on his phone.

He never wants to go out and do anything.

Our 1 year old adores her daddy and we have another due in April. I don't want to be alone, I don't want my daughter to miss her daddy but I feel lonely and miserable. I'm worried what he would do if we split, I don't have a good history with my mental health and he's had issues with substance misuse in the past I'm worried he would go back to it.

If I try and talk to him about it he will get super defensive and probably try and deny any wrongdoing and turn it round on me to be my fault. I'm not perfect I know I'm not. I'm not in the best place emotionally right now and I'm open to the possibility that this is skewing my judgement and making me see only the bad stuff. I just don't know what to do and I don't know if I can't trust my own feelings.