Am I being crazy?


This post might be boring and long. Sorry for the grammar and possible typos.

So I have been with my husband for just over two years. He has Depression which I have tried to support and love him through, I have anxiety. He has a tendency to make friends with everyone and gets upset when people don’t show up to his events or don’t invite him to things.

So we play a group sport once a week and my husband decided to have a movie night last week and invite some of our teammates. He wanted to invite a girl to keep our one male “friends” company so I decided to invite the new girl (I find her extremely annoying but wanted to give her a chance).

*side note*: My husband has had issues with the male “friend”, he is convinced he wants me and flirts with every female.

New girl: She follows my husband around at games and laughs at everything he says (she does seems to be extra friendly with all the guys).

So tonight at the game, this girl started following my husband again. After the game we decided to grab some food on the way home and I decided to tell my husband how I felt, he got upset and said “you are starting to sound crazy and a little obsessive” and that “We can’t have anymore events, because it will be weird to not invite her again” and “ I guess I can’t be friends with her”. He didn’t even want to stop for food because he “Won’t be able to focus on food now”, he didn’t say a word to me after that and now he is asleep.

We have known this girl for a few weeks, I don’t understand why it’s such an issue 😒 he even mentioned that she seemed to be flirting a week ago.

What gets to me is that, he gets jealous and comments about my male friends and random guys that talk to me, to the point that I’ve distanced myself but I’m being crazy! I honestly think he is enjoying the attention she’s giving him.

Am I overreacting