When is the first Dr's APPOINTMENT??

Hello all, I just wanted to see if anyone thought the same as me. Last November we were pregnant. With baby #2. My 2nd his 1st. I went in to the ER because I have asthma and was wheezing. My Dr. Advised me to go in since if I'm not getting enough air, niether would the baby. At the ER they did a vaginal ultrasound, mind you I was only about 7 weeks. During the ultrasound I felt a lot of pain and discomfort . The Tech had a bad attitude about doing the ultrasound. I'm not sure if she hurt me on purpose or not but it really hurt. Days later I started to bleed a little when I wiped only. I went to see my OB and she did a vaginal check with the speculum. It felt uncomfortable, but trusted the Dr. Knew what she was doing. She said the bleeding was from inplantation and not to worry. The next day I went to work, still bleeding slightly. Later that day after lunch I went to the restroom because I felt a rush of liquid, and my underwear was covered in blood. I panicked since right away I knew this can't be normal.  Sure enough the very next day after having the instrument inserted into my uterus, I miscarried. SO the question being could and did that have something to do with my MC? I visited a lady whom massages you to be able to get pregnant and she told me right away that it was indeed because of the instrument. my question now is when should I go in to see my DR. I got 3 positive tests since Wednesday. And now I'm scared of having to go into the Dr's. We've been praying and wishing for this little miracle to happen! 
Any thoughts or advise will be much appreciated. 
P.S. Baby dust to all you mommies to be💫💫💕