Any Experience with Roseola?


We went to the doc after a few days of sniffles and a sudden fever, babe was still acting normal but way too hot. Doc said no ear infection, maybe bronchitis 😟 so we got antibiotics, went home, the next morning he was at 104 and I could not get it down. The third morning we went to the ER where they said no bronchitis, no flu, no rsv, must just be a bad virus. Well the next day his fever finally broke but instead of sharing my excitement he was MISERABLE. He then slept like 14 hours plus naps before and after. He finally started acting like himself again yesterday which was great until I noticed that his chest and back had broken out into a horrible rash ☹️

I’ve heard of this before, doc on the phone said super possible. I’m wondering if anyone has any experience as far as rash itchiness, appetite/sleep, or when baby stops being so miserable 😩