Claritin - allergies

Melissa • Baby #1 (BOY) Due 03/27

Hi I need your opinion. I have bad seasonal allergies especially spring / fall. I also have some indoor allergies. My OBGYN and fertility doctor said Claritin is safe to take during pregnancy. I started taking it 2 or 3 months ago when fall allergies were awful. Every time I try to stop the Claritin.... my symptoms flare up and I feel awful. Even on “low count” allergy days. Do you think it’s OK for me to keep taking it? I’m going to ask my doc about it again @ next visit. But Basically do you think there are any concerns with me taking it for an extended time period? I don’t want to have to take it during pregnancy but I also don’t wanna deal with the after effects of not taking it! Trying to decide what’s best I wanted others opinions. Thanks!