Husband in the hospital, how to deal with parenting solo


I could really use some words of encouragement. My husband was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday morning. We thought it was something routine and he would be out in a week tops. He had to be transferred to a hospital about 2 1/2 hours from our house. I finally spoke with doctors today and the prognosis isn’t what we wanted. If everything goes well and according to plan and healing (which it isn’t looking that way) it’s a minimum of two more weeks but he said realistically we’re looking at a month or more.

Our daughter who is two isn’t allowed at the hospital to visit because of her age. I’m

hoping at some point they will bend the rules one day so he can see her She keeps asking where daddy is and is acting out at home. Its only been four days. I don’t know how I can do this for a month. Does the empty house feeling get better? The silence. I already notice “friends” checking in less and less. The holidays are coming up and he will most likely have to spend them in a hospital. He’s heartbroken. I’m trying to be a good wife/mother but I’m so overwhelmed. How do we make this our new normal?