You aren't no father to her, biologically yes, but you might as well be a stranger to her!!! ** a long read ** I dont know what group to post so delete of not allowed


I swear man this situation is so damn annoying!!! To start off I am the sister in law to Mario and Martisha. I am married to Mario's oldest brother and Martisha is Mario's ex-fiance. Regardless if Mario and Martisha no longer engaged, Martisha is still my sister! She left him when she was 3 months pregnant, her due date was December 13th. And well she had baby Bella November 14th 😊 yay, I was so damn excited but poor Bella didn't have her lungs fully developed so she needed that extra help. She was also born with a temperature, since she has been in the NICU and needless to say Mario ain't shit! He is family and all but I'm just telling it like it is!!! When she left I would always ask about her (at the time I didn't have contact with her) and he would say he didn't know cause they didn't talk, he couldn't tell me how the baby was doing, he didn't know nothing. Well it was clear to ME he didn't care, obviously Bella will be spending time with both parents so both need to get things for Bella. Let me tell you he only got 3 outfits and not like pants and pjs etc I'm talking about 3 dresses and its so damn cold out!!! And the crib just got here today. At that is ALL he has for her 😑 .. Well Martisha's water broke on the 13th right, mario went to the hospital and was there over the night and well he came home to change and went back. He cut the cord and wore the mommy, daddy, & baby bracelet. Martisha's mom was pissed cause in her eyes he didn't have the right to get to do that. She said "I was the one there for Martisha, the one that made sure she was ok, the one that helped her get everything she has to make sure bella was ready to come home. Cause either the baby comes before or after the due date" so on she kept going. Well she told that to Mario and his mom and both moms got into it at the hospital so all 3 got kicked out for the rest of that day with security escort. Mario got a week of work cause bella was born but he is most likely not going to see her. What got me mad was yesterday he didn't go see her at all and when I asked him why he didn't go see her, he had the fucking nerve to say " I FORGOT" like wtf dude how do you forget to see your daughter, she was JUST BORN???!!! To make it worse today I went to go see her, so as soon as my spouse left I took kids to my mom's cause they aren't allowed in the NICU(not old enough) and as I got there Martisha was leaving. I was with Bella by myself which was amazing, I carried her and I was just crying cause we've been TTC for 3 years and just holdimg such a beautiful baby, it just got to me. But anyways I go to my mom's for my son cause my daughter wanted to spend the night and my SO calls me so we talked and he happened to ask if I had taken mario with me to see bella. I said no and he said he'd call me later cause he was going to call him mom cause mario wasn't home when his mom got there. So as I get home I quickly felt a hard stare, my MIL was mad that I didn't take mario to see bella. First of all he isn't my responsibility, second if he wanted to see her, he would have asked me to take him to see her. I mean he has no problem asking me for a ride to the gas station every day for some cigars but he can't ask for a ride to see bella??? I just can't deal with Mario's ignorance. I've seen here more then he has. Only 4 are allowed in the NICU and once your on that spot it can't be taken i could be removed but that spot won't be available. 2 spots were already taken by Martishas mom and her aunt and Martisha WANTED me on that list. Which ment a lot to me.

My sis came over yesterday and asked how bella was doing, all mario said was "ok". So i told her about the blood culture test and all the things about her and the whole time Mario was looking at me like I was speaking Chinese.

This is Bella when she was just born

It's just missing the IV tube

This was earlier today, she is doing so much better that she moved from rooms due to her improvement.

💖💖💖Bella Gabrielle 💖💖💖

Everyone is so amazed that her skin is light. Mom is African American and the dad is Mexican American. Not going to lie the mom is pretty dark. But to me it doesn't matter what she looks like cause my niece is so beautiful!!!