Can’t seem to forget .


Me and my boyfriend knew each other over 6 years but been together 2 years and it was really rocky in the beginning.. he will be sneaky , lie to me and just disappear throughout the night , i ended the relationship but then of course he pleaded his way back and my dumbass took him back 🙄😒 things got better we moved in and now I’m pregnant but now idk i became bitter of all the things he’s done and most of the time don’t know if i even want him around me . He can really shut his feelings off .. so lately the room can be really intense especially cause I’m a ball of fire . I love him but my pregnancy hormones got me on full attack mode 😣🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 and i don’t want my baby catching all these vibes from her momma !