Damn lies

So guys lie to get women into bed. I feel like that’s not a secret. This guy I work with and have been talking to for a year.. we finally hang out and we sleep together. He asks me to be his girlfriend. I was like uhhh. I guess. Then the following day tells me he has a 10 yr old daughter.

So I was like dude. We can’t call each other boyfriend girlfriend that is crazy. We obviously don’t know each other and it’s been a conversation that’s been going on a few days. He likes me so much, blah blah. He didn’t mean to not tell me, blah blah.

All that is fine. I’m still butt hurt and grumpy about the whole thing even though I’m down to be physical. Just unsure how much other stuff he’s being honest about, does this make sense? Not to sound paranoid but I’m super skeptical now about a lot of stuff he’s said.

I do get why he wouldn’t tell me about his daughter but now it’s like he sending me videos and stuff which I mean he doesn’t have to do all that.

I’m grumpy as hell about the whole thing.