How to handle it?

Allison • Married to the love of my life 💍 expecting a sweet girl March 2019🎀

Hey y’all. I have a question/situation I’m not exactly sure how to handle. I’m 23 weeks pregnant and while I am SO excited and SO blessed I feel like I can’t post about my pregnancy or my daughter on social media. Which in the grand scheme of things doesn’t matter. The reason being, I have so many friends struggling to conceive right now. I know of at least five girls right now who are trying for a little one. Two of which have been trying for over a year. My husband and I got married in June and got pregnant on our honeymoon. We weren’t trying but we weren’t preventing either. I guess what I’m saying is how can I share my excitement without it seeming like I’m bragging or even shoving it in their faces. My closest friend has been TTC for almost two years. And while she is excited for me I know it hurts her when I bring up anything baby related. So I’ve gotten to the point I just don’t talk about it. It breaks my heart. It crushes me that some people struggle for something they want so bad and the last thing I want to do is make it worse by posting/sharing things every now and then. I’m a private person for the most part. I’ve only announced my pregnancy, the gender, and one dr appt check in. But ugh I feel guilty doing that! Am I wrong? Should I just continue to not post? Any advice or words of encouragement would be awesome. Sorry if this came off as rambling