Wild teen


Ladies I need some help advice. I have a daughter who just turned 15 & is getting out of control I just found out she has a bf and has skipped school. My issue is her dad and I can’t seem to come to an agreement on certain ways of punishing her. I’m more strict but then she goes and turns things around and tells her dad a different story. Like if I take her phone away he will end up giving it back to her. Little stuff like that. The problem is she thinks I’m always against her and thinks only her dad understands her. Bcs she can manipulate him & he always gives in. It’s a mess right now. And don’t know what happed to my sweet little girl. I’m staying hopeful and believe it’s just a phase and she’ll grow out of it. but what I’m more concern about is where she’s going when she’s skipping school? She will sometimes block my calls & say her phone died. Any one know of a good tracking device or something I can do so I know exactly where she is at all times without her knowing? I have a feeling she lies about certain stuff and I want to prove her dad wrong and let him see for his own eyes that I’m not making this up and he needs to get on my side so we can prevent any thing bad from happening to our daughter. I’m scared something will happen to her. She seems so fearless & thinks she knows it all. Please any moms going or went threw a hard time with teen kids any advice On how to get them to trust you and talk to you. I feel like a bad mom. Like if she doesn’t love me only her dad. It sucks I know she’s going threw a phase & maybe there’s a reason why she’s being so rebellious with me. but I just want her to know I love her and want the best for her. I tried talking to her and telling her how much I love her and want the best for her and just want her to always be safe and careful about every choice she makes in life. And that I want to be there for her for her not to push me away. And that I’m not trying to control her life. She say ok she agrees. But won’t follow threw. She seems to brush it off every time. And will continue to lie and break rules. I’m very concern. Any positive input thanks. And if anyone knows of a good tracking device or apps that’s she doesn’t have to check in. Would be great..Thanks in advance! :)