Pregnant and single 😕

How many other mamas are pregnant and single? Just got out of a really shitty relationship and now I'm just feeling bleh. Being way to hard on myself. We were only together 3 months when I got pregnant and things just went down hill. Im 6 months pregnant now. I couldn't even get him to go to the gas station for me when I was having morning sickness. It was a mentally and verbally abusive relationship. Anytime we fought if I tried to leave the house he said if you leave don't fucking come back!!! I finally got so tired of hearing that so that's what I did. I'm so jealous of all the women who have had calm, happy pregnancies because mines been shit because of him. I already suffer from major depression and anxiety, but it got so much worse, especially with him telling me its my fault I'm depressed!! I refuse to let my son grow up in the same kind of environment that I did! My whole family was begging me to get out of it, and I was begging myself to have the strength to get out of it. I'm trying so hard to stay positive for my little man, hes already felt enough pain because of what ive been going through. but I'm still feeling guilty, like what if things would of changes or gotten better? I love my son and i love myself so that's why I left. mama's please tell me im not crazy for leaving the father of my child when hes not even here yet! On top of everything he hasnt been to a single doctors appointment, and ive been in the hospital multiple times with him only by my side once! and it wasnt because he was working or anything. More like at home playing video games, or with his buddies. My baby deserves to feel happiness and he deserves a happy mama! Right?