Iui #5 clomid and trigger shot/donor sperm

Macie • 26, same sex married couple, PCOS for 14years, ttc, iui #9 in progress with clomid+trigger+iui+donor sperm. Miscarried iui #6, lost twins on iui#7 at 3 months from fetal anomaly (conjoined)

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">Iui</a> #5 is officially scheduled for Wednesday November 21st which is cycle day 18. I’ll be triggering early early Tuesday morning.

Had our follicle scan on Friday and had 3 follicles, 2 at 11mm on my left and one at 17mm on my right ovary. They will obviously grow a ton over the next four days!

Praying we achieve a baby out of this round. What a Holiday miracle that would be.
