8 weeks 6 days no fetal pole


Hi mommies, i really appreciate your help. I went 2 days ago to do my first ultra sound i was 8 weeks+ 6 days. The technician told me she couldn’t see the baby & my sac measures 6 weeks & i should repeat the US in 2 weeks, she asked me if i had bleeding or cramping & i said no, actually i have every single pregnancy symptom. I did another endovaginal on same day & same thing, but technician told me probably no baby & my pregnancy in not vital & my Dr. may give medication to end pregnancy.The report said the sac is normal measures 6 weeks+3 days & early to see anything now i should go back in 2 weeks.

I did blood work yesterday my hcg is 8419 which means 7 weeks.

Im 9 weeks based on my last lmp.

6+3 based on US.

7 weeks based on hcg

Im super confused i have no idea if my baby still there or stopped developing 3 weeks ago i still have morning sickness & nausea.

Please if anyone experienced same thing before i really appreciate your help