Does growing up wealthy put young adults at a disadvantage?

Kate • 🎀 baby girl born December 22nd🎀

-TL-DR at bottom-

I was discussing this with a friend today. She and her fiancé do very well financially, and they are expecting their first child in a few months. She’s said multiple times that she’ll be raising her children with a humble upbringing, and will ‘teach them to struggle’, so to speak. Today I finally asked her what she meant, and she told me that she always felt like she’d been given a disadvantage by growing up wealthy. She never knew what it was like to struggle, until she was dependent on herself. When she first moved out on her own, she had a hard time making it because she’d never learned to budget and had always assumed providing for yourself was easy. She said it took her a long while before she adjusted and learned the importance of a dollar.

I grew up poor, so I’ve always known how to budget. My family has had to make $10 last and buy groceries for a whole week, so I feel like I’ll be pretty well adjusted when I’m living on my own. My boyfriend grew up wealthy, and we’ve been looking at apartments to move to. He seems to think we’ll be doing great on money and won’t struggle in any way, and I can’t get him to understand that everything isn’t going to be as perfect as he thinks.

I thought this would be a fun discussion. So, what do you guys think? Honestly, I don’t think the two are always connected. Parents with money can still teach their children the importance of a dollar and how to save money/live conservatively.

TL-DR: does growing up with money make it harder to adjust to providing for yourself/learning to budget effectively?

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