This is a first for me..


Hey ladies. I was diagnosed with PCOS in December 2017. I had 2 healthy pregnancies before being diagnosed (they are ages 8 & 4now). Since being diagnosed (under care of an endocrinologist)I've been put on metformin, spironolactone, and birth control. I've not had any problems with my period and it's not been late. I haven't had an actual period since October 1st. 10 days into my new pill pack I had 3 days of brown discharge only when wiping. when I went to my week I was supposed to start my period, nothing. I honestly cant remember which month it was but I know I skipped a day or two in either August or Sept. Do you think this is just part of the pcos? ive not had this issue since being diagnosed. I have taken 3 pink dye test with fmu. all negative.